Sofia Pekkari, Analytical Chemist, ADME & Bioanalysis

Aug 20, 2021

The best part about working at RG Discovery is the friendly atmosphere among colleagues and the diverse tasks that keep work interesting. There are ample opportunities for creative work and skill development. My role in the ADME team primarily involves conducting various in vitro assays and bioanalytical studies, such as metabolic stability in microsomes and hepatocytes. Our projects vary from occasional client studies to large cross-functional drug discovery projects.

During my Master’s in Analytical Chemistry at Lund University, I had a one-year temporary position in RG Discovery’s ADME team, which provided valuable industry experience before graduation. The opportunity turned out to be a perfect fit, leading to my Master’s thesis and eventually a permanent position.

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with family and friends and engaging in DIY projects.
